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The Power of Positive Events

Liza DiMarco November 9, 2022

Many of you, my amazing clients, know that I am always going to various conferences, seminars and symposiums to reach higher and to bring more to the table for my clients, my family, my friends and for myself. This year, November 3-7 2022, I traveled to West Palm Beach to the Tony Robbins UPW (Unleash the Power Within) seminar. While it is very difficult to put into words what it is like to attend this event, I will share some top distinctions.
Tony Robbins
Jamie Kern Lima
This is my second year in a row attending this event. Why? you might ask. Because of the outstanding benefits.

What kind of benefits?

Attendees start functioning at a higher level of energy through a series of uplifting content and movement. Each and every action from the stage is calculated and executed to bring about the desired outcome of personal growth and expansion of the human mind, body and soul. Then, there is reinforcement to this process.
Learning is a key component. Attendees gain so much wisdom and knowledge from Tony himself as well as Key Note Speakers. This year, Nick Santonastasso and Jamie Kern Lima (pictured above) were my top two most inspirational speakers. Master Co (A Master Energy Healer) and Sage (Tony’s wife) (Pictured Below), closed the weekend with a mediation.
Breakthroughs occur. Shifts happen that otherwise would sometimes take years to overcome. How is this possible? The atmosphere is supportive and constantly engages the audience through information, sound and movement. NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) is used to lock in the results.
Sage Robbins and Master Co
Nick Santonastasso
Fire walking. The fire walk is one of the most amazing portions to this event. Walking on 2000 degree plus coals and not feeling them is still hard for me to believe. This is possible by getting into the right state of mind and focus. Mind over matter if you will. At least 9000 of the 10,000 attendees walk these hot coal beds in approximately 1.5 hours. No burns, no casualties. Talk about a shift in consciousness! If one can overcome their fear here, they can over come anything life has to offer up.
Friendships are formed. The culture of this event is the promotion of love, kindness and contribution. People of all persuasions from over 90 countries showed up for this event. I met people from Singapore, Australia, Brazil and Germany to mention a few. Because of the culture, people are very engaged and engaging. Meeting like minded souls is easy and forming friendships that go beyond the event is too. Because the atmosphere is supportive and not judgmental, people are more open to sharing and caring.
Contribution. Helping others is huge in this community! Some of my attending friends organized a pre-event benefit for our smaller group of approximately 450-500 people. The price of the ticket was the donation. I bought 2 tickets so my sister could attend as well. This one was to help feed the hungry in Brazil and we raised $24,320 for that cause in only a couple of hours doing what we love which is socializing and contributing.
I am amazed at how I spent 12-15 hours a day, learning, laughing, crying and hugging, dancing and growing my energy levels. Additionally amazing is how 10,000 different people can enjoy the same event with ease. Everyone is happy, calm and caring!
In the days, weeks and months ahead, I am expecting many more breakthrough moments and realizations. I am looking forward to living in more and more Beautiful Moments days. From the friendships forged, even more engagement will continue.
Friends, living is about giving. Living is about continuously learning. Living is about Love.
Wishing you the most beautiful day!

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