The History
During the last year Tybee Island put a moratorium on short-term rentals (STR) that was supposed to only last 90 days. It has been extended several times since. This has prevented homeowners from registering new properties as an STR while the city writes a new STR ordinance. The city continues its stance that the moratorium will remain in place until a new ordinance is written. With the latest deadline for that to be done approaching, City Manager Shawn Gillen says they still may not act.
Slowly but surely, progress continues to be made on the Tybee Island STR issue. The Tybee Island Planning Commission voted to reject the flawed STR ordinances proposed by the City Council. Among other things, these proposals would have:
- Banned short-term rentals in certain residentially zoned districts and made them “non-conforming” property uses.
- Created inequitable rules for owner-occupied STR’s.
- Created a cap on the number of STR’s in certain districts.
- Created new standards for abandonment of an STR permit.
- Required one parking spot plus one per bedroom at STR’s.
- Prohibited parking on grass.
It is anticipated at the next meeting on
August 25th, the Council will vote to extend the current moratorium on new STR permits for the time being. A revised ordinance is expected to come before the Council for a First Reading and Public Hearing at the September 22nd Council meeting. Final adoption would be scheduled for October 13th. Please continue your interaction with individual Council members and the mayor to help them understand the absurdity of the above proposals, as well as the importance of STR’s to visitors, property owners, and the City budget.
In other news, the City has hired a staff person to focus on STR issues. It is not yet clear the role this position will play.
If you own property on Tybee Island or are considering purchasing some. Please speak up and let the City Council hear from you!
Mayor, City Manager, and Council members’ emails: